Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010

My new comics

hello ppl

yesterday i bought a comic in Giant Pondok Kelapa yuhuu~ sudah lama sekali tidak membaca komik wekekek.and that's the first time i went to the market that far from my house..ALONE! berasa BANGGA gini.ternyata aku sudah besar hahaha the tittle of the Comics is 
part 1 - 4 (end) 
bukan terbitan Gramedia,sepertinya ilegal ==" aah sudahlah darimanapun asalnya yang penting bagus ceritanya..but but but i was surprised the price of comic very high right now than when i was in Junior High's too bad for the comics lovers like me huh.tadinya aku mau beli komik Ecchi lho tapi ga berani takut gue awkwao
gambarnya ngeblur soalnya pake hp

mau baca gratis?klik disini