by the way i just changed my blog layout :) i didnt go to school because of diarrhoea in fact the illnes come yesterday but now i still limp and little bit headache --" oh shit meen! and now i encouraged myself to posting in this blog dasar nakal lagi sakit sempet sempetnya posting ==a huoho now i was fell in love with Depapepe,Depa and Pepe.Depapepe is acoustic guitar musical duo of Takuya Miura and Yoshinari Takuoka.although their face was not handsome like DBSK but i really really like them.the song was very very nice.mantaaab gan,kalo ada orang bilang ga suka pinter bego beneran dh itu orang ga punya jiwa seni hahaha.Actually i have been liked Depapapepe since i was third grade in junior high school,i know them from my brother.the first song i like is START.alhamdulillah gue punya lagu lengkapnya haha gausah beli albumnya yg penting kan lagunya wkwk

gambar diatas hanya bayangan saja ga bakal gue beli albumnya -__-