sedikit gambar ya buat nambah"in postingan haha
kyaaaaa~ 이민호 오 빠 !! 정말 사랑해요 :)) Why are you so handsome? i really like your smile.hope someday you'll be my husband (lho?) *ngarep semoga aja aku bisa ketemu dan memelukmu ya Oppa~
Rabu, 30 Desember 2009
Target 2010
berhubung bentar lagi tahun 2010 aku punya 11 target yang insyallah harus diwujudkan hehe.ini diaaa...
Semoga bisa terwujud.amin
Semoga bisa terwujud.amin
morning blog :)) i'm soo bored during the school activities just sleep,eat,watching a DVD or TV yea like my normal activity *wasting time with not useful activity --" haha well,setelah 4 hari ga ada kabar,si itu pacar saya -Jordy akhirnya mengabarkan keberadaannya,maksudku kenapa dia ga sms..alasannya karena : masa aktif simcardnya abis.kurang lebih dia nulis begini di status facebookku
habis baca ga tau kenapa seneng banget rasanya,ternyata masih peduli :)) hehe lagi-lagi pas lagi googling pingin beli barang lagi,ketauan ya aku orangnya boros ==" pingin beli ini nih Headphone ATH-SJ3 (yg dipake akang saya,Lee Min Ho lol)
tapi mahalll ga nahan..jadi sepertinya yg bakal dibeli Mix Style Headphone saja deh yaaaah.yasudahlah nvm tak ada rotan akar pun jadi HAHA.btw nanti malem tahun baruan ya,kalo gitu
새해 복 많이 받으세요
Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009
wanna buy them
ganti blog template nih aga SURAM sih emang,tapi ya gpp ga terlalu buruk juga kok :) template ini masih berhubungan lho sama twilight -Wolfes.although i like wolfes but i'm not Jacob team,i'm Edward team i like Cullen's family especially Alice (i'm weird and little like her lol).just wanna talk about something that i'll buy in 2010 they're ... Rosalie's pendant necklace and Bella crest ring with Cullen Family Crest.oh my God really want them !! yosh good luck larasati
The Cullen House
aku nemu treat nih di kaskus yang bahas The Cullen House,katanya sih mau dijual dengan harga $ 3,298,000 *wth (coba aku punya banyak duit ye aku beli deh tuh) haha.take a look
begitu masuk..jeng!jeng! *Startled* W.O.W

*gambarnya masih banyak lagi berhubung aku lagi males ngupload segini aja ya ;) hehe
gimana?mantep gila ga tuh?ckck.what beautiful and luxurious house !! hope someday i'll have the house like this.amin
begitu masuk..jeng!jeng! *Startled* W.O.W

*gambarnya masih banyak lagi berhubung aku lagi males ngupload segini aja ya ;) hehe
gimana?mantep gila ga tuh?ckck.what beautiful and luxurious house !! hope someday i'll have the house like this.amin
Minggu, 20 Desember 2009
16th month
Just wanna say ...
walaupun pagi ini dia tidak SMS Happy Anniversary or something like that ... oke it's not problem to me.Eclipse i'm coming~
We have been together for 1 year 4 months.Happy Anniversary Jacob White :)
walaupun pagi ini dia tidak SMS Happy Anniversary or something like that ... oke it's not problem to me.Eclipse i'm coming~
Sabtu, 19 Desember 2009
jubah baru
horai!!akhirnya aku lulus harkatan cape banget habis itu..saking capenya bangun jam 9 pagi ckck.and this is some picture when i used my jubah take a look
Jumat, 18 Desember 2009
Every day it seems like I can't keep to opened and posting something in this blog -of course my blog.i really love my blog hihi.oke so what i wanna tell to you in this morning my blog ? yeah i wanna tell you about my exercise to prepare "harkatan jurus" yesterday.ya jadi kemaren itu latihan buat harkatan ( truthly i'm really nerveous ) dari jurus 1 sampe 11.aku udah cukup hafal tapi you know... i'm really scared if i'm nervous -> forget all step -> i'm not pass -> felt shameful -> crying .tragis kalo hal itu sampai terjadi!dan aku bakal angkat kaki dan ga akan pernah ikut latihan jurus lagi,i promise! -__- cukup melelahkan ditambah serangan kantuk yg sangat dasyat haha (lebay) bayangin pulangnya malam,jam 11.00 P.M dan di jemput my beloved Jordy Pratama hihi..oke sekilas tentang hari ini aku lagi baca Eclipse dan mulai sedikit menyukain Jacob -ingat hanya sedikit dan baru sadar kalo ternyata Taylor Lautner as Jacob Black itu Ganteng.
Kamis, 17 Desember 2009
i think i
well blog hal utama yang perlu kau tau ...
" Start from now,Aku bener-bener males sama yang namanya Ekstrakulikuler "
oke that's all my fault, aku mengakui mungkin aku ikut salah satu ikut ekskul bela diri bukan karena keseriusan dan niat dalam hati tapi untuk "Refugees -Pelarian" yap pelarian dari segala masalahku,masalahku bersama Jordy Pratama .. ga tau kenapa setelah hidupku terasa damai dan did'nt have many problem again aku ngerasa ga betah dan males"an lagi terhadap ekskul yang satu ini -setelah Nihon Club yang *&@%! itu.hehe yaa so i have a conclusion that i'm the person was not serious against something,except in love
oia!!kemaren malem jojo sms aku dan itu buat aku seneng banget dan ga nyangka kalo dia bakalan sms semalam itu,pastinya saat aku sudah tidur.and this is the message
so sweet ya ? thanks my boyfriend >.< love you so
" Start from now,Aku bener-bener males sama yang namanya Ekstrakulikuler "
oke that's all my fault, aku mengakui mungkin aku ikut salah satu ikut ekskul bela diri bukan karena keseriusan dan niat dalam hati tapi untuk "Refugees -Pelarian" yap pelarian dari segala masalahku,masalahku bersama Jordy Pratama .. ga tau kenapa setelah hidupku terasa damai dan did'nt have many problem again aku ngerasa ga betah dan males"an lagi terhadap ekskul yang satu ini -setelah Nihon Club yang *&@%! itu.hehe yaa so i have a conclusion that i'm the person was not serious against something,except in love
oia!!kemaren malem jojo sms aku dan itu buat aku seneng banget dan ga nyangka kalo dia bakalan sms semalam itu,pastinya saat aku sudah tidur.and this is the message
Iloveyou :)
jujur aku sayang bngt sama kamu..Tapi perasaan aku bs berubah dalam sekejap kalo km kesel sm aku :(
walaupun bgtu aku syng sm km :)
jujur aku sayang bngt sama kamu..Tapi perasaan aku bs berubah dalam sekejap kalo km kesel sm aku :(
walaupun bgtu aku syng sm km :)
so sweet ya ? thanks my boyfriend >.< love you so
want it
one story again for the things i want ...
like you know start from the last 5 days i'm a big fans of Twilight series (books and movies) and i really want it : Twilight,New Moon,Eclipse and Breaking Dawn Novel (indonesian version) by Stephenie Meyer.this is the cover all of the novels
seseorang belikan saya novel" ini please ? siapa juga lagian yang mau beliin buat aku -__- walaupun aku baca dan pinjem sama Mariezka tapi hati tetep ga puas pingin beli sendiri woy! nanti deh ya disaat uang jajanku mulai dipasok kembali,ngumpulin duit dan akan kubeli mereka semua FUFUFU... yang second aja kali ya tapi kondisi masih bagus kalo aku beli yang baru di gramed bisa kering kerontang kantong aku diperes buat beli ginian haha
like you know start from the last 5 days i'm a big fans of Twilight series (books and movies) and i really want it : Twilight,New Moon,Eclipse and Breaking Dawn Novel (indonesian version) by Stephenie Meyer.this is the cover all of the novels
seseorang belikan saya novel" ini please ? siapa juga lagian yang mau beliin buat aku -__- walaupun aku baca dan pinjem sama Mariezka tapi hati tetep ga puas pingin beli sendiri woy! nanti deh ya disaat uang jajanku mulai dipasok kembali,ngumpulin duit dan akan kubeli mereka semua FUFUFU... yang second aja kali ya tapi kondisi masih bagus kalo aku beli yang baru di gramed bisa kering kerontang kantong aku diperes buat beli ginian haha
My new handphone
sorry ya blog aku lupa posting tentang my new handphone padahal aku udah janji,finally i bought LG GW300 (itu lho yang di iklan ada avatarnya)'s my momma choice to brought it.yaa first sight sih i'm not really like it but when i bought it ... i like it and satisfied of it !! haha.i must remember that i bought it on 13 December 2009.i like the model,i like the music player,i like the themes,i like the camera,i like all of my new handphone !! beneran deh ya,Red brought the profit. by the way aku dapet peringkat 15 dikelas .
Rabu, 16 Desember 2009
watched New Moon
Oke finally i watched New Moon with my boyfrienD.i'm really happy although i'm little bit dissapointed with New Moon.i think Twilight is better than New Moon.i know why... because the part of Bella and Edward just a few.Kebanyakan Bella and Jacob.Jacob is so handsome with his new hair-short hair but still Edward the best man for Bella not Jacob.Jacob just for me HAHAHA.leave a newmoon for a moment ... did you know if my boyfriend so handsome yesterday ? yeah.i think my boyfriend so handsome yesterday with his white shirt,after i and him watched New Moon i saw him seems like Jacob,i mean his body not his face.i'm really happy have a boyfriend like him.i'm not impatient for waiting Eclipse
Sabtu, 12 Desember 2009
something that i know now is
Don't hope for something too much! if you hope it too much you can't get them :P
Don't hope for something too much! if you hope it too much you can't get them :P
Jumat, 11 Desember 2009
byebye Nokia 6120 Classic Welcome ....
yap like the tittle,aku ga jadi beli Nokia 6120 soalnya my momma dislike a second handphone and nokia 6120 kebanyakan second -_- pupus sudah.but but but dibalik itu semua ada keuntungan buat aku ... aku boleh milih hp dengan pasaran harga 1 juta - 2 juta dan itu ga boleh second ! love you so much momma :-* ada 4 pilihan hp that i want Samsung Corby ga tau yg touch screen atau Qwerty,LG GW300 atau LG KS hard to choice one of them.i like all of them !! when i will buy the handphone ? idk,maybe tommorow ;) when i have one of them i'll show it to you my me! lol . i forgot something! i finished reading Breaking Dawn! yeah..nice ending for twilight
the last 2 days
Hello blog :) 2 hari belakangan ini aku sibuk menangis hehe -___- gara" ga punya hp dan miss communication sama pacarku dan GA JADI NONTON New Moon !! suatu pukulan berat bagiku huah! but i can forget all of my problem with reading Breaking Dawn (lagi lagi Breaking Dawn) haha thanks a lot deh buat Stephenie Mayer,the writter of the Novel habis dia bisa buat novel yang bisa buat aku senyam senyum sendiri ngebayanginnya dan ini novel pertama tebalnya 5cm (kira kira 800 halaman) yang aku suka dan aku sanggup membacanya 3 hari sebanyak 636 halaman nice! haha :) oya i trying to forget what my parents said about my boyfriend,i'm very sad if i hear that! hope what they are said to me will not happen in the future.amin * aku rasa kata"nya ga perlu di posting disini deh ya * btw i miss him so much,i didnt meet him for the last 5 days and it's make me getting crazy,stress whateverlah.bye dulu ya blog aku mau hunting cari handphone masa depanku nih dadah~

Selasa, 08 Desember 2009
make me happy
whaha hello blog :) walaupun hatiku penuh dengan kesedihan tapi banyak hal yg membuatku tersenyum lebaarr haha first,because DBSK (Jaejoong and Yoochun) Colors Harmony and Melody MV.truthly,it's the first mv that can make my breath stop breathing and "senyam senyum ga jelas" Oh my God jaejoong has a killer smile and the song is really really nice (make my heart comfortable) ;) check this out ...
dan yang kedua Breaking Dawn novel Dewa bagi gue.ngiri meen punya cowo kaya Edward.when i will meet someone like that ? hihi.and thirdly,i have many friends who love and care to me Fifi my twin,Zahra,Arum,Igm,Nyoman,Toya,Nanda,Lita etc etc i'm so happy :D thanks to be my friend
Senin, 07 Desember 2009
new handphone
wow wow wow my mom will buying me a new handphone cause my handphone has broken :'(. i have a choice about the model hoho.i dont want the expensive one,just a simple and cheap handphone..this is the type that i want,take a look ;)
Nokia 6120 Classic
i really like the model so simple >.<>
Respect me because i'm your girlfriend
hello i'm so sad.why? ehem..
idk my boyfriend still love me or no,i little bit scared and confused about that.i think he is become tired and bored with me.when i have opinion about his attitude and "ngambek" he always annoyed and did'nt reply my message.he said he love me and care to me but ... i think it's just words and not true from his heart.i'm very mery sadsadsadsad :'( idk what must i do.he always busy with his lesson,homework and blablabla ( i know that beause he is in 3rd grade) but please have a little time for to me,reply my message if i have oppinion or complaint about you.Respect me because i'm your girlfriend :'( i didnt get angry if you respect to me,always listening my complaint and trying to solve our problem together. I think we are really not match to each other,many differences between us.gue bakalan ngeajauh dari lo biar lo lebih comfortable :p haha
idk my boyfriend still love me or no,i little bit scared and confused about that.i think he is become tired and bored with me.when i have opinion about his attitude and "ngambek" he always annoyed and did'nt reply my message.he said he love me and care to me but ... i think it's just words and not true from his heart.i'm very mery sadsadsadsad :'( idk what must i do.he always busy with his lesson,homework and blablabla ( i know that beause he is in 3rd grade) but please have a little time for to me,reply my message if i have oppinion or complaint about you.Respect me because i'm your girlfriend :'( i didnt get angry if you respect to me,always listening my complaint and trying to solve our problem together. I think we are really not match to each other,many differences between us.gue bakalan ngeajauh dari lo biar lo lebih comfortable :p haha
Jumat, 04 Desember 2009
this month
hello long time no posting,nothing special event happened in this month.biasa aja..datar yang ada juga my score in the semester final exams was bad! -___- oke maybe this is the lesson for me to study hard on the next examination and absolutely didnt lazy again. I'll do the best for the next examination.i promise! fyuuh.soal pacar ... I think we are not match to each other,many differences between us but I will try to understand you ^^ sorry if I always angry to you,everything that you did always wrong in my mind.hontou ni gomennasai T.T cause the exams was pass so let's go the cinema honey~ watch New Moon and Ninja Assassin ^^ ketinggalan banget gue.
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